Watch Assets

Add a token manually to your vault and Fordefi will watch its balance.

There are tokens that Fordefi does not automatically detect and display in the list of assets in your wallet. If your vault has assets that are not detected, you can add these manually to your vault and Fordefi will display their current balances.

Add a watched asset

To display undetected asset and their current balance, add them manually, as follows:

  1. Display the single vault to which you wish to add a watched asset.
  1. Right click the menu in the top right corner of the Assets area and then click Add token.
  2. In the dialog that appears, select the Chain and asset to add. Then click Add. The token is added to the list of assets (you might have to refresh the display for the token to appear).

Once an asset has been added, Fordefi watches it.

Refresh asset balance

There are times when Fordefi does not properly update the balance for an asset you have added manually. You can manually refresh the values displayed in any row of the Assets screen or the Assets area of a single vault. Right-click the row containing the asset and then click Refresh balance.

Assets screen:

Assets area of a single vault: