Transaction Lifecycle

As transactions progress from creation through completion, they can follow several workflows, during which they take on various statuses.

Transaction statuses

The table below lists possible Fordefi transaction statuses and their meanings.

StatusAPI request responseMeaning
PENDING APPROVALwaiting_for_approvalThe transaction is pending approval by the designated approvers. The approvers are those designated by relevant policy rules.
PENDING SIGNATUREapprovedThe transaction was approved and waiting for the relevant signer (initiator/API signer/end user) to sign it.
WAITING TO BE PUSHEDsignedThe transaction was signed by Fordefi and is waiting to be sent to the blockchain.
WAITING TO BE MINEDpushed_to_blockchainThe transaction was signed and pushed into the mempool and is waiting to be mined.
Note: Transactions are mined in the order they were submitted to the mempool, per vault and chain.
QUEUEDqueuedTransactions in Ethereum-based blockchains are mined in order, based on the nonces that were allocated to them. In case there is already a transaction from the same vault in the WAITING TO BE MINED or STUCK state, any new signed transaction will be displayed as QUEUED, to differentiate it from the first one (per vault and chain) that is pending mining.
* Transactions with sequential nonces can be mined in the same block. In such a case, the transaction will transition from QUEUED to MINED.
MINEDminedThe transaction has been mined - meaning the transaction has been added to the blockchain. Not enough blocks have passed to be considered COMPLETED.
COMPLETEDcompletedThe transaction was completed successfully.
STUCKstuckThe transaction is considered stuck. In Fordefi, a transaction becomes STUCK after it has been in the mempool for over ten minutes. This is usually caused by low fees submitted with the transaction. See Accelerate a Transaction and Cancel a Transaction.
ACCELERATING acceleratingThe transaction is being replaced by a transaction with exactly the same parameters and a higher price.
CANCELINGcancelingThe transaction is being canceled and, in its place, a new effectless transaction is being submitted.
ACCELERATEDacceleratedThe accelerating replacement transaction was mined. Hence, the original transaction was accelerated successfully. See Accelerate a Transaction.
CANCELEDcanceledThe canceling replacement transaction was mined. The original transaction was canceled successfully. See Cancel a Transaction.
ABORTEDabortedThe user who initiated the transaction aborted it. It is possible only if the transaction is PENDING APPROVAL or PENDING SIGNATURE (approved). Afterwards, the transaction is pushed to the blockchain and aborting is not possible anymore -- only cancelation.
DROPPEDdroppedA transaction is DROPPED if, within two minutes after it has been sent to the chain, it is not mined.
Currently only on the Solana blockchain.
ERROR PUSHING TO CHAINerror_pushing_to_blockchainAn error occurred and the transaction was not pushed to the blockchain.
MINED REVERTEDmined_revertedThe transaction has been mined but reverted -- meaning the transaction has been added to the blockchain. Not enough blocks have passed to be considered COMPLETED REVERTED. Usually, the transaction is reverted because of an error in the contract or the way in which the transaction was generated.
COMPLETED REVERTEDcompleted_revertedThe transaction was reverted. Usually, this is because of an error in the contract or the way in which the transaction was generated.

Mined delay

When transactions are sent to the mempool, they wait to be picked up by a miner and included in a block. However, due to possible forks (where two or more blocks were produced at the same time and one of them will eventually be dropped and not included in the chain), Fordefi keeps a buffer and finds the right balance between showing the most updated status of the transaction, while being as safe as possible from forks.

To provide more information about the current state of the block, Fordefi assigns one of two statuses:

  • MINED: Indicates that the transaction has been included in the chain after the specified number of blocks has been mined.
  • COMPLETED: Indicates that the transaction has been included in the chain after the specified number of blocks has been mined and now the chances of a fork are practically at zero.

For EVM chains, the expected time to pass until the transaction is mined is about 12 seconds and 60 seconds for completion.

FunctionalityNetworkTypeNumber of blocks until MINEDNumber of blocks until COMPLETEDSeconds between blocks
MainnetArbitrum OneEVM10500-1
BNB ChainEVM4203
Manta PacificEVM1610
MantleEVM40200< 1
Polygon zkEvmEVM2525~120 (batches)
Sei v2EVM271360.4
zkLink NovaEVM6254
zkSync EraEVM6302
Cosmos HubCosmos-16
TestnetArbitrum SepoliaEVM10500-1
Solana devnetSolana-100.4
Bitcoin TestnetBitcoin110600
Sui TestnetSui-11

Transaction workflow

The schematic below describes the transaction workflow and possible outcomes.