Supported Blockchains

Fordefi supports the following blockchains:


On the supported EVM chains, Fordefi supports all native assets, ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 tokens. The Fordefi extension supports all DApps in the listed chains that support Metamask connectivity.

  • Arbitrum One
  • Avalanche
  • Base
  • BNB
  • Blast
  • Canto1, 4
  • Conflux1, 4
  • Dymension
  • Ethereum
  • Fantom
  • Gnosis
  • Kava1
  • Linea
  • Manta Pacific
  • Mantle2, 4
  • Merlin1, 4
  • Optimism
  • Polygon
  • Polygon zkEvm
  • Reya
  • Sei v2
  • Scroll4
  • Xai1, 2
  • zkLink Nova
  • zkSync Era3
  • Arbitrum Sepolia (testnet)
  • Ethereum Sepolia (testnet)
  • Flare Coston (testnet)1, 3, 4
  • Goerli (testnet)
  • Mumbai (testnet)


On the Solana chain, Fordefi supports SOL and all SPL tokens. The Fordefi extension is compatible with all DApps that support the Wallet Standard. Fordefi supports:

  • Solana Mainnet
  • Solana Devnet


In the Cosmos ecosystem, Fordefi supports the base asset and all tokens on the following chains. The Fordefi extension is compatible with all DApps on those chains that support the Keplr wallet extension.

  • Cosmos Hub
  • Akash
  • Archway
  • Axelar
  • Celestia
  • dYdX
  • Dymension
  • Noble
  • Osmosis
  • Sei
  • Stride


Fordefi supports:

  • Bitcoin Mainnet
  • Bitcoin Testnet


In the Sui ecosystem, Fordefi supports SUI and any coins following the Coin standard. The Fordefi extension is compatible with all DApps that support the Wallet Standard. Fordefi supports:

  • Sui Mainnet
  • Sui Testnet

Notes on EVM chains listed above:

1 On this chain, incoming transactions are not automatically detected and balances might require manual updating. See Refresh asset balance.
2 Fordefi does not take into account the Layer 1 fees incurred by a Layer 2 transaction on this chain.
3 Transaction simulation is unavailable on this chain.
4 Transactions that include internal native currency transfers may not be detected on this chain.