Export Transaction Logs

You can download a log showing all the completed transactions that were made in the organization.

Transaction logs can be useful in performing risk analysis, reconciling your company's expenses, and more.


Crypto ecosystems

Currently, Fordefi supports logs for transactions done in the following crypto ecosystems: Bitcoin, EVM, Solana, and Cosmos.

Download a transaction log for the organization

  1. Open the Fordefi web console.

  2. In the side menu, click Transactions.
    The Transactions screen opens, displaying the default All tab and a list of all transactions.

  3. Apply filters, as required.

  4. Click Export in the upper right corner.

    The transactions that correspond to the filters you have set are downloaded in a .csv file.

Understand the transaction log

The transaction log is a spreadsheet that you can sort and filter. The log is structured so that each line displays a single effect on a vault's balance. Several lines can thus make up a single transaction. For example:

Here is a description of the columns in the .csv file, depending on the ecosystem in which the transactions were performed:

Column Bitcoin EVM Solana Cosmos
Transaction ID Transaction ID Transaction ID Transaction ID Transaction ID
Affected Vault ID - Incoming: The affected vault ID of the receiving address
- Outgoing: The affected vault ID of the source address
Internal: There are two entries in the report - each vault on its own line.
- Incoming: The affected vault ID of the receiving address
- Outgoing: The affected vault ID of the source address
Internal: There are two entries in the report - each vault on its own line
- Incoming: The affected vault ID of the receiving address
- Outgoing: The affected vault ID of the source address
Internal: There are two entries in the report - each vault on its own line.
- Incoming: The affected vault ID of the receiving address
- Outgoing: The affected vault ID of the source address
Internal: There are two entries in the report - each vault on its own line.
Affected Vault Name - Incoming: The receiving vault name
- Outgoing: The source vault name
Internal: There are two entries in the report - each vault on its own line.
- Incoming: The receiving vault name
- Outgoing: The source vault name
Internal: There are two entries in the report - each vault on its own line.
- Incoming: The receiving vault name
- Outgoing: The source vault name
Internal: There are two entries in the report - each vault on its own line
- Incoming: The receiving vault name
- Outgoing: The source vault name
Internal: There are two entries in the report - each vault on its own line
Affected Address Name The name of the address or leave empty for Account based chains. Empty Empty Empty
Affected Address ID Since each row is per input or output, there can be only a single address, hence here we will put the address ID. Empty Empty Empty
Affected Vault Address The receiving of the output for incoming transactions or the source address of the input for managed transactions The address of the Vault The address of the Vault The address of the chain of that transaction.
Chain Bitcoin The name of the chain Solana Cosmos or the name of the app-chain.
Creation Time Time of the creation of the transaction on the platform.

Time of the creation of the transaction.
For incoming, the mined time of the tx block.
Time of the creation of the transaction.
For incoming, the mined time of the tx block.
Time of the creation of the transaction.
For incoming, the mined time of the tx block.
Created By (Name) Name of the user creating the transaction Name of the user creating the transaction, empty for incoming Name of the user creating the transaction Name of the user creating the transaction
Created By (Email) The email of the user that signed the transaction, empty for incoming The email of the user that signed the transaction, empty for incoming The email of the user that signed the transaction, empty for incoming The email of the user that signed the transaction, empty for incoming
Blockchain Mine Time Transaction mine time in the blockchain. Transaction mine time in the blockchain. Transaction mine time in the blockchain. Transaction mine time in the blockchain.
Transaction Source Address Empty The signer of the transaction blockchain address The signer of the transaction blockchain address. In case of multiple signers, concatenation of those with `, ` in between. The signer of the transaction blockchain address
Transaction Source Name Empty The signer of the transaction address name if exists (on Fordefi’s platform, that is, vault name or address book name). The signer of the transaction address name if exists (on Fordefi’s platform, that is, vault name or address book name). The signer of the transaction address name if exists (on Fordefi’s platform, that is, vault name or address book name).
Transaction Destination Address Empty The destination blockchain address of the transaction Empty Empty
Transaction Destination Name Empty By this order:
* Vault name
* Contact name
* Dapp name

Empty Empty
Transaction Hash The hash of the transaction on the blockchain The hash of the transaction on the blockchain The hash of the transaction on the blockchain The hash of the transaction on the blockchain
Effect Type For managed transaction:
- Input is
- Any output that goes to a vault in the same org or a change output is
- For incoming transactions:
- Output is


Effect Type:
1. Credit
2. Debit
3. Fees
Effect Type:
1. Credit
2. Debit
3. Fees
Effect Type:
1. Credit
2. Debit
3. Fees
Effect Number First counting inputs then outputs The index number of the balance effect in regard to the same tx_id/tx hash The index number of the balance effect in regard to the same tx_id/tx hash
Token Name Bitcoin The name of the token transferred in the current effect The name of the token transferred in the current effect The name of the token transferred in the current effect
Token ID The internal ID of the BTC transferred The internal ID of the token transferred The internal ID of the token transferred The internal ID of the token transferred
Token Ticker BTC The ticker (symbol) of the token transferred in the current effect The ticker (symbol) of the token transferred in the current effect The ticker (symbol) of the token transferred in the current effect
Amount in base units (Crypto) Crypto amount transferred in base asset. Crypto amount transferred in base asset. Crypto amount transferred in base asset. Crypto amount transferred in base asset.
Amount in crypto Amount in the principal asset, that is, ETH, USDC, or BTC. Amount in the principal asset, that is, ETH, USDC, or BTC. Amount in the principal asset, that is, ETH, USDC, or BTC. Amount in the principal asset, that is, ETH, USDC, or BTC.
Decimals The decimals of the token The decimals of the token The decimals of the token The decimals of the token
Token address The ID of the NFT token
Token price at mined time Price in USD Price in USD Price in USD Price in USD
USD value at mined time Amount transferred in USD Amount transferred in USD Amount transferred in USD Amount transferred in USD
Effect source address - Only for outgoing: the address the used input was sent to.
- Nothing for output
- Not address of incoming transactions
Source of the transfer effect Source of the transfer effect Source of the transfer effect
Effect source name The name of the address according to the resolution described above The name of the address according to the resolution described above The name of the address according to the resolution described above The name of the address according to the resolution described above
Effect destination address - Input: Nothing
- Output: The destination of this output
The address from/to of the transfer effect (like in Etherscan)
Empty for fee effect.
The address from/to of the transfer effect (like in Etherscan) The address from/to of the transfer effect (like in Etherscan).
Empty for fee efect.
Effect destination Name The name of the address according to the resolution described above The name of the address according to the resolution described above The name of the address according to the resolution described above The name of the address according to the resolution described above