Recover Starknet Funds

To execute transactions, follow these procedures:

  1. Install Starkli.
  2. Set up the tool to work with your recovered vault. Run:
    starkli account fetch your_*vault_address* --output starknet_account --network mainnet
  3. Now, you will be able to sign arbitrary transactions from your address using your recovered private key.
    For example, to sign and push a transaction transferring 100 wei to the 0x1234 address, run this command:
    starkli invoke 0x04718f5a0fc34cc1af16a1cdee98ffb20c31f5cd61d6ab07201858f4287c938d transfer
    0x1234 100 0 --private-key *recovered_private_key* --account starknet_account 
    --network mainnet 

For more information, see Invoking contracts.