Import Keys

Many traders have locked positions in various wallets - that could be due to staking, holding specific tokens, or participating in certain smart contracts. Without the ability to import their private keys, traders would be forced to manage multiple wallets, complicating their asset management and paying for multiple solutions.

By supporting private key imports, Fordefi ensures that you maintain your positions and investments without having to unstake or move the funds. Moreover, supporting the import of a private key from another crypto wallet allows you to consolidate your assets into a single wallet solution or run another in parallel.

Using Fordefi's Import Key solution, you never need to reconstruct your key or run any scripts - you can upload the encrypted shares to Fordefi and decrypt the shares using the passphrase on your mobile device, keeping the integrity of the MPC protocol.

Import keys

Dedicated workspace for imported keys

Imported keys are managed in a dedicated workspace. Contact Fordefi Support to create it.

  1. Upload encrypted key material:

    To start the import process, you will need to gather the relevant key material which can include the encrypted
    shares package and decryption key. You can either:

    • Contact support to initiate the import process.

    • Call the Import Key API.
      Here's a sample payload:

      “type”: “third-party-wallet”,  
      “backup_zip_content”: “SGVsbG8=“,  
      “rsa_pem”: “SGVsbG8=“,  
      “rsa_pem_password”: “string”  
  2. Decrypt and run the MPC protocol:

    After you upload the key, one of the approvers must perform the following: when prompted by the Fordefi mobile application, enter the mobile passphrase that will decrypt the mobile share.

    Fordefi then loads the MPC shares into its secure enclaves and mobile device to be used in the platform.

Create imported vaults

To create a vault using an imported key, you will need to pass the derivation path of the vault supplied by the external provider. Pass the derivation path in the Create Vault API call. If required, Fordefi Support will create it for you.

  • There is no backup in the Fordefi platform for imported workspaces, as the import key process can reoccur at any given time.
  • Currently, there is no support for imported BTC Vaults.
  • Currently, there is no support for testnets.
  • On some EVM chains, you will need to manually add assets with their balances, as you do for custom EVM chains.
  • Fordefi does not show past transactions for imported vaults.