Reset a User's Device

If a user changes the device on which Fordefi is installed, an admin must perform a reset to migrate the account and organizational data to the new device. The admin initiates the reset, then the user completes it.

Usually, the reset process begins with an attempt by the user to log in to Fordefi using the new device:


The following notification is typically displayed:


This is the signal that device reset must be performed.

For the admin

  1. Open the Fordefi web console.

  2. In the side menu, click User Management. The following screen is displayed:

  3. Find the user whose device you want to reset.

  4. Click the ellipsis menu at the extreme right of the user name, and select Reset user's device.

    The admin is prompted (on their mobile device) to generate an activation code for the user:

  5. Click Generate code.

    A new code is displayed:

  6. Click Share, then select an app through which to share the code.

Do not regenerate code

Wait until the user has successfully received and applied the code you already generated.

For the user

  1. When you are notified of the reset code, click Enter Code.

  2. Paste the code you received in the next screen:

  3. Fordefi regenerates user keys. Do not close the app while this is happening.


    When the process is complete, you see this screen:


For the admin

Once the user's device has been reset, you see this notification on your mobile device:


The user's updated status is also displayed in your web view.

Refresh the page

If the admin's web app still shows the user's status as 'Pending device reset', refresh the page.