Main Concepts
Familiarize yourself with the world of Fordefi.
Organization: Your account (or workspace) on Fordefi that contains all your vaults, users, policies, and more. There can be one or more users in an organization. Also, a user can be a member in more than one organization. Learn more.
Vault: The basic unit to manage funds. A vault has a single public address but is multi-chain, meaning you can use it across all chains that are compatible with the address and that are supported by Fordefi. For example, a single EVM vault can be used on all the EVM chains supported by Fordefi. Learn more.
Admin: A user with high privileges in the organization. Only admins have permission to manage the policy, set up the backup, manage the address book, and add or remove users in the organization.
Admin Quorum: The minimum number of admins that are required to approve privileged administrative operations in the system, such as changing the policy, inviting a new user to the organization, or changing the address book. Learn more.
Policy: A collection of rules that determines the approval process for outgoing transactions. For example, the policy can allow a set of users to initiate and sign certain transactions (say, below some amount) on their own, block all transactions to a particular address, and require all other transactions to be approved by two users from some restricted set of users. The policy is managed by the organization admins. Learn more.
Allowance: Commonly known as a token approval. Fordefi uses "allowance" to distinguish it from the internal approval process of transactions in the system. Learn more.
Asset: A digital asset that has value and can be traded. Learn more.