Aptos Fees
An Aptos transaction must pay for both the computational cost of execution and the long-term cost of storing the objects that a transaction creates or mutates.
Each Aptos transaction is submitted with the following fields:
- Max Gas Amount: This provides a cap to the amount of gas units that will be used by transaction. The maximum gas amount for an Aptos transaction is defined in Octa units (1 APT = 100,000,000 Octa).
- Gas Price: The reference gas price is the real-time cost of executing a transaction in Octa units.
The transaction fee charged for the transaction will be at most: gas_price * max_gas_amount
Aptos transaction contain fee statements, describing the breakdown of gas used in the transactions - these are available via Fordefi APIs both for on-chain transaction and when predicting a transaction.
Fordefi provides the option to define each of these fields through the API endpoint. The UI currently does not support changing these values.