Set up an API Signer

The standard method of creating and signing transactions uses the Fordefi web and mobile interfaces. See Fordefi web console and Fordefi web browser extension.

You can also create and sign transactions programmatically. With this method, customers maintain self custody of their private keys by running Fordefi's API Signer on their own network or cloud environment.

  • Similarly to the mobile app, the API Signer holds the first of two MPC shares for each private key and participates in the MPC signature protocol.
  • Unlike the mobile app, the API Signer does not require human intervention to sign a transaction.

The process is illustrated here:


Deployment Options

Depending on your needs, use one of the following options:

  • Deploy it as a standalone dockerized application. This option is most useful for use on a "bare metal" server, or virtual machine. Learn more.
  • Deploy it as a Kubernetes application and distribute it using Helm Chart. Learn more.

Minimum requirements for virtual machines are 0.5vCPU per 1GB memory.

Activate the API Signer

Once you have deployed the Fordefi docker image, make sure you activate it.