Manually Broadcast a Transaction to the Blockchain

Fordefi lets you broadcast a signed transaction to the node of your choice.

By default, all transactions that you sign using Fordefi's web console or mobile app are sent by Fordefi to the blockchain. However, Fordefi lets you broadcast a signed transaction to the node of your choice, for example, in order to expedite a transaction.

To "sign but not send" a transaction, specify the manual option in the push_mode field of a CreateTransaction request.

Here's an example:

"vault_id": "197a4de2-48e7-412a-9fbd-13d08122a12d",  
    "note": "string",  
    "signer_type": "api_signer",  
    "type": "evm_transaction",  
    "details": {  
        "type": "evm_raw_transaction",  
        "push_mode": "manual",  
        "gas": {  
            "gas_limit": "2630420",  
            "type": "priority",  
            "priority_level": "low"  
        "fail_on_prediction_failure": false,  
        "chain": "ethereum_sepolia",  
        "to": "0x4eF28B0BD14FB26a1aD7cF0E2e4d4ff3f1C7D858",  
        "value": "1",  
        "data": {  
            "type": "hex",  
            "hex_data": "0x48656c6c6f"  

As with transactions that are sent automatically by Fordefi:

  • The transaction is still subject to policy rules and approvals.
  • Programmatic transactions are always signed by an API Signer.
Current support

Currently, this feature is supported only in EVM and Solana vaults.

Statuses of manually broadcast transactions

  • Once signed, the transaction will take on the SIGNED status.
  • Once the transaction is signed, Fordefi sends a webhook notification to the API User with the updated state and the signature. The API User can also retrieve the signed transaction from the API for further processing.
  • Fordefi monitors the blockchain for this transaction (similarly to any other managed transaction). When it is detected on chain, its status is updated accordingly: it transitions from SIGNED to MINED (or COMPLETED or REVERTED).
  • When a transaction has a fixed expiration deadline (as in Solana), then the SIGNED transaction automatically transitions to ABORTED once it expires.

Multiple transactions


  • Each signed transaction increments the nonce at the time of signing. Subsequent transactions, whether 'sign-but-not-send' or regular, receive subsequent nonces.
  • Simulation for subsequent transactions includes pending SIGNED transactions in its simulation queue.


  • Solana does not enforce a strict ordering of nonces. Fordefi therefore allows subsequent normal transactions (which are also sent) from the same vault and chain.

Accelerate or cancel a transaction

You can accelerate or cancel EVM transactions that you have broadcast to a node of your choice.

Note the following with respect to these transactions:

  • A SIGNED transaction can be accelerated or canceled. The replacement transaction will always be sent to the node by Fordefi (meaning: it will NOT inherit the sign-but-not-send).
  • When a SIGNED transaction is accelerated or cancelled, the original transitions to the ACCELERATINGor CANCELLING state, as in a regular transaction.
  • The replacement follows the normal transaction lifecycle:
    • If the replacement has other transactions before it (with statusSIGNED, WAITING_TO_BE_MINED, or STUCK), the replacement will take on the QUEUED status.
    • If the replacement does not have other transactions before it, it will take on the WAITING_TO_BE_MINED and later possibly theSTUCKstatus.