Fordefi API (0.2.0)

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These endpoints allow you to get information about users in your Fordefi organization.

There are several types of users in the Fordefi platform:

Users can have one of three possible roles, which define the permissions that the user is given:

  • Admin: A user with high privileges in the organization. Only admins have permission to manage the policy, set up the backup, manage the address book, and add or remove users in the organization. Only a person can have an admin role.
  • Trader: A user who can create vaults and transactions.
  • Viewer: A user who has full view of the organization's users, addresses, and policies, as well as of the vaults and transactions, but does not have permissions to create or modify them.

The Users API is currently read-only. To add/remove users, visit the Fordefi web console.


Authorization Tokens

These endpoints allow you to manage end-user authorization tokens used for Fordefi's WaaS solution.

Authorization tokens allow end users to authenticate with Fordefi. Each end user can have a maximum of ten active authorization tokens at any time.

More information on authenticating end users is provided in the WaaS developer guide.



These endpoints allow you to get information about blockchains supported by Fordefi.



These endpoints allow you to manually trigger your pre-configured webhooks.

Use Webhooks describes how to configure webhooks, validate them, and resend them.


Address Book

These endpoints allow you to list the contacts in your address book.

To add/remove contacts, visit the Fordefi web console. See the user guide for more info.



These endpoints allow you to manage transactions on the Fordefi platform.

A transaction represents an operation that can be one of the following:

  • An on-chain action that modifies blockchain state
  • An off-chain cryptographically signed message or data
Consult the developer guide for more information on creating, monitoring, and simulating tranasctions.

Batch Transactions

These endpoints allow you to manage batch transactions on the Fordefi platform.

Batch transactions are currently supported only on Solana, for the purpose of supporting the signAllTransactions flow used by certain Solana DApps. Batch transactions undergo policy evaluation as a whole: the policy is applied to a “virtual transaction” whose list of instructions is the union of the instructions of the individual transactions in the batch, and whose balance changes are the aggregation of balance changes of the individual transactions.



These endpoints allow you to manage vaults.

A vault is the basic unit to manage funds. Each vault supports a single "chain family", such as EVM, Bitcoin, Solana, Cosmos, etc., determined by the vault's type. A vault supports all the chains within the chain family (e.g., an EVM vault supports all EVM chains).


Vault Groups

These endpoints allow you to view your vault groups.

Vault Groups are used to collectively manage policies and view permissions for a group of vaults.

The API is read-only. To manage vault groups, visit the Fordefi web console. See more info in the user guide.



These endpoints allow you to get information about the assets in your organization, including metadata, balances, and prices.

Fordefi supports native assets and fungible tokens on each of the supported blockchains, and on many chains also non-fungible tokens.

Assets are chain-specific, meaning that USDC on Ethereum is different from USDC on Polygon.


End Users

These endpoints allow you to manage WaaS end-users.

End users correspond to users of the platform who has integrated the Fordefi WaaS solution. For example, in the case of a retail platform, these would be the retail consumers of the platform.


User Groups

These endpoints allow you to view your user groups.

User Groups are used to collectively manage policies and view permissions for a group of users.

The API is read-only. To manage user groups, visit the Fordefi web console. See more info in the user guide.


Audit Log

These endpoints allow you to manage audit logs.

Audit logs are used to track the actions of users in your organization.


Export Audit Log


Get a CSV-format list of audit log records.

created_byArray of strings(uuid)
categoryArray of strings
Items Enum"policy""quorum_threshold""user_management""vaults""address_book""address_group""backup""webhook""vault_group""user_group"
curl -i -X GET \
  '' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_JWT_HERE>'


Exported audit log in CSV format

No content


These endpoints allow you to manage asynchronous actions such as data exports.


